Barrier-Free Electronic Tolling System for Efficient Road Usage


An open road tolling system without barriers presents unique challenges in accurately capturing the identity of passing vehicles at high speeds.

The system must be capable of processing large volumes of real-time data to ensure that toll transactions are captured and validated accurately.
The lack of physical barriers in the tolling system increases the risk of toll evasion and fraud, necessitating robust security measures and redundancy protocols.
Implementing an open road tolling system requires significant investment in equipment, software, and personnel, which can be a financial challenge.
Technical glitches in the system such as malfunctioning equipment or network connectivity issues could result in delays or errors in toll transactions.
Ensuring the security of the personal and financial data collected through the tolling system, as it is vulnerable to cyber-attacks and other security breaches.
The high cost of implementing and maintaining the automated system, including the equipment, software, and personnel required to operate it.
  1. The hardware solution for the tolling system included a highway gantry spanning the highway across the toll
  2. The gantry was equipped with a range of cameras, emitters, lasers, and loops to identify passing vehicles.
  3. The system used either a small RFID decal inside the car or optical character recognition (OCR) of the vehicle’s license
    plate to identify each passing vehicle.
  4. The use of RFID technology and OCR allowed for rapid and accurate vehicle identification, even at high speeds.
  5. The implementation of this hardware solution enabled the tolling system to operate seamlessly, without impeding traffic flow, and without the need for physical barriers or toll booths.
  1. Toll transactions were initially captured at the roadside equipment, such as cameras, emitters, lasers, and loops on the highway gantry.
  2. The captured toll transaction data was then replicated to servers at primary and secondary service centers.
  3. The replicated toll transaction data was then processed and validated at the service centers.
  4. The toll customer relationship management system was used to access and validate the processed toll transaction data.
  5. This system allowed for the efficient processing and validation of toll transaction data, enabling accurate billing and improved customer service. SOFTWARE SOLUTION ThoughtsWin Systems Capability HARDWARE SOLUTION BENEFITS THIRD PARTY

(ThoughtsWin Systems is not claiming solution IP with this case study, wherein, only show casing our subject matter expertise and implementation experience with this case at the Program Management Level)
  1. Improved traffic flow and reduced congestion, as vehicles, can pass through the tolling system without stopping or slowing down.
  2. Improved customer service through faster, more convenient tolling and the ability to access transaction information through the customer relationship management system.
  3. Reduced environmental impact as the system eliminates the need for tollbooths and reduces vehicle emissions associated with idling or slowing down at toll plazas.

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